Let’s get plucked.

Hello all.

Welcome to Pluckin’ A.

It’s a guitar blog, and it’ll probably do more or less what you expect a guitar blog to do. There will be gear reviews, there will be other stuff about guitars (and basses), and amps, and effects, and musicians, and musicianship. I’ve linked up my Instagram so you can see bits of my playing, which I hope will illustrate what I’m talking about. 

I love writing, I always have, and I hope that comes across as you read what I’ll be posting. I also love playing guitar (as you’d hope, I guess), and I love waffling on about guitars to anyone who dares engage me in conversation, so starting this site did seem like something of a natural step.

If you want to find out more about the verbose long-haired chap who is throwing these words at you, click the “About the Author” link. And make sure you keep checking back – there should be plenty going on. After all, if you give me an opportunity to waffle on about guitars, then just try and stop me from doing it.

Author: Connor Flys

Supreme Emperor of Pluckin' A

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